Mitigating Fraud Risk: Strategies and Best PracticesTraining for Financial Professionals

Protecting your organization from fraud is critical to its success and sustainability. Our "Mitigating Fraud Risk" training program is designed to help you identify, assess, and manage fraud risk effectively. This comprehensive course will provide you with the tools and techniques you need to develop and implement a robust fraud risk management program that meets industry best practices and regulatory requirements.


1 Day

learning methodology

Our training program is highly interactive and practical, with a focus on real-world scenarios and case studies. We use a variety of learning methods, including group discussions, exercises, and simulations, to ensure that participants gain a deep understanding of the concepts and techniques covered in the course.

ideal for

This training program is ideal for professionals in financial institutions, healthcare, government agencies, and other industries where fraud risk is a significant concern. It is particularly beneficial for risk managers, compliance officers, internal auditors, and other professionals responsible for fraud prevention and detection.

what is in it for your business

Empowered employees, energetic teams, better and more result oriented performance of human and financial capital.

IKTARhelping businesses grow by enhancing performance through empowered human resource, improved business structures,  modernized business systems and technological advancements.

Mitigating Fraud Risk: Strategies and Best Practices

Fraud Risk Management

Fraud Prevention for Bankers and Financial Experts

For in-house quotation, registration and other details email IKTAR Training Manager

main contents include:

  • Understanding Fraud Risk and its Impacts
  • Developing a Fraud Risk Management Framework
  • Conducting Fraud Risk Assessments
  • Implementing Fraud Prevention and Detection Controls
  • Responding to Fraud Incidents
  • Monitoring and Reporting Fraud Risk

after this training, attendees will be able to:

  • Understand the key principles and concepts of fraud risk management
  • Develop and implement a fraud risk management framework tailored to their organization’s needs
  • Conduct fraud risk assessments and identify vulnerabilities and gaps
  • Implement effective fraud prevention and detection controls
  • Respond to fraud incidents in a timely and appropriate manner
  • Monitor and report fraud risk to senior management and regulatory authorities

how do we create value for your business

Well begun is half done, the notion completely fits into the conduct of training and various processes. IKTAR weighs the need of a professional TNA very high. Our corporate trainers don’t move to the training designing phase unless they have competed training need assessment/analysis and have reviewed their findings with the clients/management. 

A professionally conducted Training Need Analysis/Assessment (TNA) is the key to a productive training design, development and delivery. Our TNA doesn’t only improve the quality of training outcome, it also decreases the learning costs for your company.

IKTAR believes in realistic problem solving and fact based learning solutions. We offer need based customized training solutions to our clients. We work right from the beginning, conduct TNA, meet the participants, review work place, discuss the issues faced by the organization and then tailor  highly professional training programs to meet the business needs of our clients and professional requirements for the participating  group members. 

Experiential learning and participatory learning methods are best suited to the learning need of every group and individual. People are more empowered when they see themselves doing what they thought they could never do. Involving participants and making them learning partners instead of passive learners/audiences is the way we work to create wonders in the lives of our participants.

Every learning group consists of dynamic individuals with various levels of versatility and learning and needs. IKTAR cooperate trainers emphasize on both collective and individual learning requirements of the participating groups.

Every training program is followed by a free training review report for the management highlighting gains, areas of further improvement and suggestion for team support and performance improvement after the conduct of training. Submission of a more detailed review report with individual performance review of the participants is also an option. 

A comprehensive follow-up and performance monitoring plan is shared with the clients to ensure professional implementation of the learned content/skills. These follow-up plans vary in duration and depth based on the type of training, nature of audiences and needs of the business. 

We highly value our participants and business partners and consider them the part of IKTAR. All participants are provided free learning support individually whenever they require. Training resources, advice, consulting, guidance and advice to conduct in-house session is a life time open privilege for the IKTARians

how can we help you?

Contact IKTAR or submit a business inquiry online.

Attending the ‘Customer Service Management in Financial Sector’ training workshop was a transformative experience for me. It provided invaluable insights into areas of improvement in my communication and customer management skills. I learned how small changes in our words can have a significant impact on our professional success. Clear and explicit communication emerged as a key factor in both professional and personal success. I am grateful for the opportunity to have participated in this workshop and look forward to applying the knowledge gained to enhance my performance.

Atif Maqsood
Manager CS, BPL - Pakistan

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