Mitigating Fraud Risk
- May 17, 2023
- 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Park Lane Hotel, MM Alam Road, Block B3 Block B 3 Gulberg III, Lahore
- +923214002530
training for financial professionals
Protecting your organization from fraud is critical to its success and sustainability. Our “Mitigating Fraud Risk” training program is designed to help you identify, assess, and manage fraud risk effectively. This comprehensive course will provide you with the tools and techniques you need to develop and implement a robust fraud risk management program that meets industry best practices and regulatory requirements.
ideal for
This training program is ideal for professionals in financial institutions, healthcare, government agencies, and other industries where fraud risk is a significant concern. It is particularly beneficial for risk managers, compliance officers, internal auditors, and other professionals responsible for fraud prevention and detection.
learning methodology
Our training program is highly interactive and practical, with a focus on real-world scenarios and case studies. We use a variety of learning methods, including group discussions, exercises, and simulations, to ensure that participants gain a deep understanding of the concepts and techniques covered in the course.
main contents include:
- Understanding Fraud Risk and its Impacts
- Developing a Fraud Risk Management Framework
- Conducting Fraud Risk Assessments
- Implementing Fraud Prevention and Detection Controls
- Responding to Fraud Incidents
- Monitoring and Reporting Fraud Risk
after this training, attendees will be able to:
- Understand the key principles and concepts of fraud risk management
- Develop and implement a fraud risk management framework tailored to their organization’s needs
- Conduct fraud risk assessments and identify vulnerabilities and gaps
- Implement effective fraud prevention and detection controls
- Respond to fraud incidents in a timely and appropriate manner
- Monitor and report fraud risk to senior management and regulatory authorities
Syed Taqi Shah is a high profile business professional with more than four decades of diverse professional experience at senior management position in banking, insurance, education and corporate sector.
Taqi Shah is a Senior Corporate Trainer-USAID, Certified Success Coach and has served Allied Bank for 36 years at Senior Positions and retired as Country Manager Training.
He also lead Employee Excellence at NDC as department head, Deputy Head Learning and HR JS Bank, General Manager Marketing in two Insurance Companies and principal at Orbit Institute. He is Diplomat Associate of Institute of Bankers Pakistan. (DAIBP)
Syed Taqi Shah

9:00 AM — 5:00 PMRoom AIKTAR - Training8:45 am Registration 9:00 am Start of Session 10.45 am Tea Break 11:00 am Session Continues 1:00 pm Lunch Break 2:00 pm Session Continues 3:45 pm Tea Break 4:00 pm Session Continues 4:45 pm Session Closing Certification & Group Photos 5:00 pm Session Ends
Project Director
9:00 AM — 5:00 PMRoom AUsing a mean absolute percentage analysis (MAPE), the teams defined appropriate levels for raw materials and finished products by mapping actual versus forecasted sales on the most important SKUs.