ISO 9001 Certification Auditors Pakistan

ISO 9001 certification Auditors Pakistan

ISO 9001 Quality Certification

take your business to the new heights

What is ISO 9001 Quality Certification and How it can boost our business?

ISO 9001 is a quality standard defined by International Organization for Standardization. It recommends the parameters and measures for a Quality Management System or QMS. It has a clear focus on the effectiveness of quality management system as per the need and requirements of customers. This is an essential way to meet your customers’ quality requirements by ensuring persistance in quality measurement, quality implementation, continuous monitoring and persistant produt quality. ISO 9001 promotes your business and helps to move it the next level of excellence through quality compaliance and better customer retention.

ISO 9001 is equally important and productive for private, public and social sector organizations as it helps the companies to develop and produce high quality products and services that further expands their business horizons to in a more profitable way. It is applied to a wide range of business sectors covering products and services.

IKTAR – helping businesses grow by enhancing performance through empowered human resource, improved business structures,  modernized business systems and technological advancements.

objective of ISO 9001 certification

ISO 9001 enables your company to be a market leader by improving its product / service quality, making it more efficient, providing your business an equal opportunity to do an win business at any level.

who can apply ISO 9001?

All private, public, no-profit, business or social organizations can apply this standard regardless their size, volume and geography. All organizations with an aim to offer improved quality of products with a continuous focus on improvement can benefit from ISO 9001.

benefits of ISO 900

  • Possibility to meet high quality demands of your customers
  • Application of modern quality management system in organization
  • Improved productivity
  • Reduced costs throught effective production and management controls
  • Expaded and more profitable business
  • Easy integration with ISO 14001, ISO 45001
  • Implementation of standardized work plan at work place
  • Training of teams involved at different levels
  • Ensuring proper monitoring at every production step
  • Continuous improvement

Fix an appointment with IKTAR to discuss the details in a personal meeting.

our distinctive benchmarks

We encourage our clients and their teams to participate in every step during the project right from the diagnostic stages to solution development, project execution, monitoring and review phases.


IKTAR carries multipronged diagnostic research and digs deep to identify the factors causing problems. We believe in the right diagnostics before proceeding for the solution design. 

Our detailed workplan with clarity of purpose and defined timelines help you to achieve business goals in an effective professional manner.

IKTAR focuses on highly participative and personalized consulting services that don’t only help the business to grow fast, it further enables the clients’ teams to learn new ways of business management. We stand by you at every step of business problem solving and business empowerment.

how can we help you?

Contact IKTAR or submit a business inquiry online.

Attending the ‘Customer Service Management in Financial Sector’ training workshop was a transformative experience for me. It provided invaluable insights into areas of improvement in my communication and customer management skills. I learned how small changes in our words can have a significant impact on our professional success. Clear and explicit communication emerged as a key factor in both professional and personal success. I am grateful for the opportunity to have participated in this workshop and look forward to applying the knowledge gained to enhance my performance.

Atif Maqsood
Manager CS, BPL - Pakistan

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